Neeraj Saini's Article in Mobile Phones

721 Use SMS Shortcodes for increasing sale and products of your business
Highly effective shortcodes for SMS and MMS can be used for promoting products, business generation, conducting SMS contests, receive feedback from customers, database creation, conducting surveys, and many more.
Posted on Feb-24-2011

648 Choosing an SMS API Gateway Provider
SMS has achieved unprecedented success in the mobile and wireless world – billions of text messages are sent every single day, and SMS is now a major revenue source for wireless carriers. A lot of innovative applications are now being built on top of SMS technology and more are being developed every day.
Posted on Feb-24-2011

404 Surprise at Customer Demand for Health Care Implementations of SMS Text Messaging
Receiving communication by SMS – even SMS message from computer – John Hopkins Children’s Center recently conducted several studies on text message from computers.
Posted on Feb-23-2011

475 Text SMS message announcement use not Quite Universal, but Growing
The congregation of St. Louis had been without an archbishop since the 27th of June when the former Archbishop, Raymond Burke, was named the first American.
Posted on Feb-19-2011

536 Mobile Banking : after U.S. District Court Judge, Donovan Frank Decision.
To promote their mobile services, banks are using a multi-channel approach that includes promotions on their ATM receipts and bank statements.In a move that’s sure to keep SMS Gateway marketers happy, a U.S. District Court Judge, Donovan Frank.
Posted on Feb-09-2011

474 SMS Short Codes: The best and the cheapest tool of promotion of business
Undoubtedly, this new and the most effective trend certainly redefined the concept of advertising and promotion.
Posted on Jan-14-2011

517 Search for authentic SMS Services providers for getting better result
If you are looking for online SMS software or online text messaging software so you use text messaging gateway.
Posted on Jan-14-2011

471 Internet SMS: Perfect way to stay connected with your target audiences
With the increasing opportunity of such an effective service, number of companies is providing cheap SMS plans by which you can stay connected not only with your friends and family but also your valuable customers.
Posted on Dec-02-2010

507 Web SMS: A perfect way to inform the customers about products and services
Web SMS is highly popular among the business people because of it has the capability to send and receive SMS message online to thousands of people at one go and ensure surge in sale and profit as well.
Posted on Dec-02-2010

529 With Bulk SMS inform, propagate and grow rapidly
If you are looking for conducting business in an innovative manner, then computer SMS is advantageous. The bulk SMS service allows the advertiser to send at least 25,000 SMS connect to the same number of people messages at one go.
Posted on Dec-02-2010

515 Chose SMS Services for promoting, boosting sale and increasing profit
If you are interested to boost your business and looking for promotion, then SMS service is the best and ideally suitable for targeting your customers, boosting sale and increasing profit as whole.
Posted on Dec-02-2010

595 Short Codes services make your business grow with their SMS Software
Apart from enterprises, the short code services are also used by communication mediums for gaining response from their audience such as television voting, charity donations, subscribing and unsubscribing ringtones etc.
Posted on Dec-02-2010

526 SMS messaging software is more effective means of promotion of your business
Considering the significance and the popularity of sms services there are several companies have come up with various kinds of sms messaging software which help you in sending bulk sms at the minimal cost.
Posted on Nov-16-2010

543 SMS Solution: An effective way to communicate with the customers
Since bulk sms service is very effective mode of advertising which need minimal capital so it has become very common tools of advertising not only in UK and Australia but across the globe.
Posted on Nov-14-2010

542 Use online sms: A perfect tool of advertising
Now promotion strategies not limited to pamphlets, Radio, TV, Banners and Holdings. People are advertising through digital modes of advertising like mobile phone, fax machine, pagers, computer and internet technologies.
Posted on Nov-14-2010

521 This is the ideal time to select the sms gateway software
The sms software can be customized after directly downloading from the web portals. The interactive websites have created robust interface for the sms senders. It is best to go for the sms gateway software that provides message delivery reports.
Posted on Nov-14-2010

583 Know your perfect text messaging provider
In case of any doubts in selection of the text messaging gateways software it is best to read the online resources. There are off course discussion forums that help you in better decision making before selection of the tool.
Posted on Oct-27-2010

546 Simple Tool to Send Business Text Message is Now Popular Across Australia
The reputed sms providers offer free download of the trial version as they remain eager to show the quality of their services. While using the SMS text message tool it is best to download SMS SDK and similar mobile application development tools.
Posted on Oct-06-2010

601 Online Text Message And Its Growing Popularity In NZ
The bulk sms software is usually cheaper than the normal sms and moreover the links can be sent using sms api technology. Sending email to sms is not at all an issue when the right bulk sms software is selected.
Posted on Oct-06-2010

655 Powerful Business SMS Tools Can Influence Potential Customers
Business text messaging with the use of bulk sms delivery tool is a matter of few minutes. The customised sms sending tool helps in selection of the contacts directly from messengers or outlook express.
Posted on Oct-06-2010

529 Basic Idea About the Popular Text Messaging Software of the United States
While the bulk SMS software enables us to ensure single message delivery, its main purpose is to make the task of bulk SMS messaging simpler. To mobilize local and global product promotion, short text messages can be sent with the help of SMS Gateway.
Posted on Oct-05-2010

530 This is time to select the suitable text messaging software
With the help of a web browser, companies can use SMS marketing process. To deliver instant information through text messaging it is just necessary to type in the message and then select the list of contacts.
Posted on Sep-15-2010

483 Mass sms software created a new paradigm in online product promotion
Messages sent through offshore carriers can be sent in bulk and this makes their operational processes cheaper. It is advisable to initiate vivid self research while purchasing one mass sms sending tool.
Posted on Sep-15-2010

592 Knowing the reputed bulk sms provider of Australia is simple
Links can be exchanged and shared with the target audience just by sending the messages. Selection of the ideal bulk sms sending tool is important as services of all bulk sms software providers are not at all similar.
Posted on Sep-14-2010

596 Tool that helps in mass sms messaging with ease
Once mass sms software is customized the messages can be sent across just after selection of the target audience group. Precisely, the messages can be sent to the customers to whom the message is intended.
Posted on Sep-02-2010